by Carrie Warner
V. 1
Jesus loves us, this I know
Jesus loves us ever so
Help us know this love today
Take our fears and doubt away
And as we wait on You
Fill our hearts anew
Hallelujah, thank You Jesus
For Your endless love
And may all who feel the pain of this world
Ever feel You near
Hold all Your children near
As You drive out every fear
Let us hear You singing clear
Over us
V. 2
Quietly You're holding me
Singing gently over me
Let this tender love rain down
On each heart that needs it now
And as we wait on You
Fill our hearts anew
V. 3
Perfect love that drives out fear
Though the storms feel ever near
Lord we all need more of You
Jesus, will You see us through?
And as we wait on You
Fill our hearts anew
Chorus 2
Hear Your children crying out Lord
Desperate for Your love
And may all who feel the pain of this world
Ever feel You near
Hold all Your children near
As You drive out every fear
Let us hear You singing clear
Over us

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and pray for Alliance Christian School District!
It has been a great honor and joy for me to have this space to write about prayer and encourage people to pray over the past almost 5 years. While I will formally be finishing my time with ACSD in June of 2024, I hope and pray that the words that have been shared here will be used by God to continue to grow and build up His Kingdom.
Thank you again to all of you who have prayed along with me!
~ Carrie Warner, ACSD Prayer Team Coordinator
Soli Deo Gloria
To God alone be the glory