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singing us through: overflow

For whatever reason - probably various reasons - it has felt like more of a struggle to write blog posts during this season in which I find myself. I'm sure part of it is because I know that my days in this space are numbered, and I suppose I feel more pressure than usual to make them count. Ironically though, the result of that pressure has mostly been that I just haven't been writing as much. And because writing is such a powerful way for me to process life, I actually think I probably need it more than ever.


So here I am - writing - trying to do that thing that I've done for almost five years now, with the continual goal of inviting people (including myself, maybe especially myself!) to pray. There is so much we can be (and dare I say, should be) praying about, especially for Alliance Christian School District. I know many, many prayers are being prayed, and for this I am so grateful. 


But how do I find the words to call us to prayer when a) it feels like there is an endless number of things to pray about (how do I sort through them all?), b) the soon-to-come changes in my own life often feel a bit overwhelming, and c) I'm pretty sure everyone is experiencing some level of craziness simply due to it being the month of May. Of course we all want to keep praying, and we're doing our best to maintain our prayer lives... but there is just a lot going on!


So what do we do? And - at the risk of sounding a bit selfish - what do I do with these last few weeks on the blog?


Well, sometimes I tend to get new ideas around the beginning of a month, and as I'm writing this blog right around the beginning of May, I have a new idea. Throughout my years with these schools, I have written a number of songs. Some of these songs have been very closely connected to my experiences within the school community, and almost all of them have been expressions of some kind of prayer. Often there will be something I'm learning or struggling with or thankful for and the one of the most meaningful ways I've found to process it is through songwriting. Often it starts with a few words set to a melody and it just kind of grows from there.


I've often wondered exactly what I am to do with these songs. Are they simply part of my walk with the Lord? Are they just there to give me another way to connect with Jesus? Would they be meaningful to anyone else? I remember once coming across this Scripture verse and feeling freshly inspired by how it might apply to my songs. It says, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10). I love the possibility that any of these songs that God has given me could in some way administer His grace to others.


As I near the end of my time with ACSD, I thought this might be a good opportunity to pass some of these songs along to you - those who have spent time praying alongside of me throughout these past years. I'm reminded of the quote by Hans Christian Andersen that says, "Where words fail, music speaks." It seems like coming up with more newly written words from week to week is a bit out of my reach right now, but my hope is that these songs God has given me might in some way encourage you and help all of us to keep praying. 


I have mapped out a plan to send out one song around the end of each week and one around the beginning of each week during the next month or so. At this point, my deepest hope for these songs is that they will in some way be used by God to administer His grace. Consider it my way of praying us through to the end of this school year in song!

There is no way I can adequately put into words my gratitude to all of you who have read this blog and faithfully, generously given of your time and your heart to pray. May God bless you and keep you, make His face shine on you and be gracious to you, turn His face toward you, and give you peace.

Song: OVERFLOW (based on Romans 15:13, written by Carrie Warner)

May the God of hope, endless boundless hope

Fill you with all joy and peace

As you trust in Him

So that you may overflow

So that you may overflow

With hope, with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit



Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and pray for Alliance Christian School District!

It has been a great honor and joy for me to have this space to write about prayer and encourage people to pray over the past almost 5 years. While I will formally be finishing my time with ACSD in June of 2024, I hope and pray that the words that have been shared here will be used by God to continue to grow and build up His Kingdom.

Thank you again to all of you who have prayed along with me!

~ Carrie Warner, ACSD Prayer Team Coordinator

Soli Deo Gloria To God alone be the glory


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