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October 2023

To EQUIP you as parents…

A bit of help and companionship: The Don't Mom Alone podcast exists to connect you "with people and resources to help you feel less alone". Here are a few recommended episodes to check out (whether you're a mom or a dad!):

They also recently released a "don't miss" episode - where the host shares clips from 5 of the episodes she has done over the past 10 years that she has found to be the most transformation and best get to the heart of the message she wants parents to hear. You can listen to that one here.


To ENRICH you in your walk with Christ...

A bit of an opportunity to bless others: The Bible teaches us, "it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)." One thing we can always give to others is a word of encouragement. Do you have something you'd like to share that might encourage other parents? Perhaps it's a verse from the Bible that has helped you or a message that is on your heart that you think would help someone else in their parenting journey. If something comes to mind, take a moment to share it here or click the button below! We hope to pass on these messages of encouragement to share with readers in a future Mosaic.


To help you ENGAGE with your kids...

A bit of a an idea for connecting: Justin Whitmel Earley (author of The Common Rule, Habits for the Household and Made for People) has a thought and a habit to share with the dads out there (although it very much applies to moms too). Check it out and see if it provides you with some fresh inspiration for connecting with your own kids.

A bit of fall fun from the archives: Looking for some fresh ways to enjoy the fall season? Last year we compiled a list of family fall fun favorites from the ACSD community, and you can find them all below. Whether you're looking for a place to go, something to do, or yummy treats to enjoy, there are lots of great options for you to consider.


Frecon Farms (Boyertown) ~ pick apples, take a tractor ride through their orchards, hang around for their food and craft vendors, pick out some pumpkins, play on the mini pumpkin checkers board

Wilcox Farms (Boyertown) ~ another great place for hayrides and fruit picking, their motto is "Let the fun begin!"

Weaver's Orchard (Morgantown) ~ many families enjoy visiting Weaver's in the fall! One family especially enjoys going on Johnny Appleseed Day. They love to shop the market, take a hayride, and finally head over to the orchard to hear from Johnny Appleseed himself and pick a whole bunch of apples.

Linvilla Orchards (Media) ~ lots more fall fun activities here, and one family noted loving the roasted corn you can get here

Ephrata Fair ~ an awesome fall activity (only runs Sept. 20-24 so keep this one in mind for next year!) Agriculture tents and shows (best cow, goat, sheep, etc.), tractor pulls, lawnmower races, nightly parades, games, food tents, lots of fun!

Brecknock Orchard (Mohnton) ~ "The Brecknock Orchard festivals are SO much fun!" says one of our families. Check out the website and see for yourself!

Knoebel's (Columbia County) ~ in case you thought Knoebel's was only a summer activity, check out their website to see what fun they have available for the fall season as well!

Cherry Crest Farm (Ronks) ~ another great place with a pumpkin patch and many other activities

Peddler's Village (Lahaska, Bucks County) ~ one family holds a tradition in which they pick a Saturday, and they, along with their grandparents, go to Peddlers Village, and see the scarecrows on display. They always do a little shopping, and usually start their Christmas shopping. Then they head to Hart's Tavern - one of the best restaurants in Peddlers Village - for lunch. Delicious burgers!

Otts Exotic Plants (Schwenksville) ~ "a very cool and unique visit!" recommended by one of our families, who say it is definitely worth checking out!


Have a movie night!

Paint pumpkins

Go to a trunk or treat at church

Sit around the fire and roast marshmallows

Raking leaves and jumping in the pile

Pumpkin picking

Hay rides

Nightly walks in the neighborhood

Decorate with Halloween stuff (one family says this is one of their favorite holidays!)

Go on walks or have picnics at places like Gring's Mills, the Exeter Scenic Path, the look-out over Blue Marsh, or the Wyomissing walking trail that starts at the Reading Museum


Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins

Favorite drinks: hot chocolate, apple cider from Weaver's, pumpkin spice coffee

Cinnamon rolls from the little general store at Frecon Farms - one family likes to buy a couple and freeze them

Baking cookies

Pumpkin roll making


We hope these bits and pieces are a blessing to you as you continue to follow Jesus in your everyday life. Thanks for allowing us to share!

For more encouragement and some suggested ways to pray with us, be sure to subscribe to our Prayer Matters blog, updated weekly throughout the school year.

Not yet officially a part of the Alliance community? You can schedule a time to meet with a member of the Berks Christian or West-Mont Christian administrative team for a free educational consultation (virtual meetings are available).

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**We'd love to hear from you! Ask us a question or send us your feedback - our goal is to make these newsletters as helpful to you as possible.



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