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MOSAIC - March Edition

To EQUIP you as parents…

A bit of insight on technology: If you have struggled with putting technology in its proper place - either for yourself or your kids - this interview with Andy Crouch and his daughter Amy Crouch may be very helpful for you. Full of wisdom and practical tips from their own experiences, this is a conversation worth hearing.

A bit of support from your local library: Have you heard about the book bundles that are available at many libraries these days? Basically if you have a library card, you fill out a simple form with your child's name, age, and general interests, mark down how many books you'd like, and the kind folks from the library will put together a bundle of books for you to pick up! The Exeter library (a branch of Berks County Public Libraries) is one place offering these youth book bundles (click here to fill out the form) but if you're part of another library system, there is a good chance yours is doing something similar. Try it out and see if you like it!


To ENRICH you in your walk with Christ...

A piece of hope-filled music: Many of our elementary students on both campuses are learning this song in preparation for our spring concert May 14. If you're looking for a simple but powerful song to have playing around your house this Easter season, this one is a great for listening to and singing!

A bit of encouragement: Who among us hasn't experienced some level of pain or breaking throughout the last year? While our exact types of pain or hurt vary, author Anjuli Paschall puts words to feelings many of us understand in this article, When Everything Hurts, Sing Louder. We may be breaking, but through God's grace we are also being healed.


To help you ENGAGE with your kids...

A bit of learning about water: As you may have heard, BCS and WCA will be participating in World Vision's Global 6K for Water on May 22. Whether or not you plan to participate in this event, check out this six-session guide with reflections and activities you can do on your own and/or with your kids based on the subject "living water." We're thrilled to be able to partner with World Vision with the goal of growing in our own faith as well as ministering to people around the world!

Some pieces of Easter-themed resources for your family: As we head toward Easter, hope you enjoy this round-up of some of the great things out there you may want to include as part of your family celebrations. Feel free to comment below what your family is doing to make Easter special this year, we'd love to know!

- Read-aloud stories from MiniBFF Book Club - Easter is Coming and Near: Psalm 139

- Making Easter Personal for Preschoolers (including a gospel-centered Easter basket)

- Easter Prayer (from the Book of Common Prayer):

O God, who for our redemption gave your only-begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


We hope these bits and pieces are a blessing to you as you continue to follow Jesus in your everyday life. Thanks for allowing us to share!

PS - We'd love to hear from you! Ask us a question or send us your feedback - our goal is to make these newsletters as helpful to you as possible.



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