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mine and chosen

One of my hopes for the blog this school year is that you will hear from a variety of voices relating to the topic of prayer. To kick things off, this week I'm sharing a song written by one of our WCA high school students, Megan Wismer. The song is called "Mine and Chosen", and it's written from the perspective of God speaking to us, reminding us that He loves us no matter what we are going through. You can read the words below and watch the video to hear Megan sing it.

To go along with the song, I have put together a slide show featuring many of the faces of the ACSD community. My encouragement to you would be to pray that this message of God's love would become more deeply known to the hearts of every single person - students, teachers, staff, parents, and anyone else who may be a part of this community. "Mine and Chosen" feels especially relevant as last week we held our second annual "Reveal Day", when the students who are part of the World Vision Ignite program found out which child in Guatemala "chose" them. Toward the end of the slide show you will see a few photos from that special time together.

May God guide you as you pray this week. I hope seeing some faces helps you feel even more connected to the people you are praying for in this sacred work you are doing.

Mine and Chosen

Lyrics and Arrangement: Megan Wismer

Verse 1:

I hear your cries spoken and unspoken

You utter prayers but know you’re not broken

When you have nothing left, I will carry you

I see every battle that you’ve fought your way through


Cause’ even in the shallows, rough spots, unknown

I’m working, giving life, to all these dry bones

I love you through the darkness, unplanned moments

And I call you priceless, mine and chosen

Mine and chosen

Verse 2:

There’s no valley where you can hide

I’ll see you through I’ll be by your side

So when it all gets way too much to bare

Child you can come to me and cast your cares



And I know you are confused

And you don’t know what will happen to you

But hold on there’s always a reason

And you’re so strong it’s only a season (2x)

Chorus (2x)

*My apologies for not being able to gather enough photos so that every single student and teacher is pictured in this slide show. Remember that God sees and knows every person, even those who we may not see in this video. And if you were one of the ones I wasn't able to get a photo of, please forgive me!


Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and pray for Alliance Christian School District! Lord willing, I plan to publish a new blog post weekly on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Feel free to subscribe (at the bottom of this page) if you'd like to be notified each time a new blog post has been published. We also have a prayer team that is always open for new pray-ers to join. If you'd like to learn more, email me at

~ Carrie Warner, ACSD Prayer Team Coordinator

Soli Deo Gloria To God alone be the glory

1 Comment

Mary Klase
Mary Klase
Sep 30, 2022

Wonderful! Praise God!

Children Arriving at School

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