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June 2022

As we close out the 2022-2023 school year, we wanted to send you off into summer with some resources to help you prepare for this upcoming season. Enjoy!

To EQUIP you as parents…

A bit of helpful technology: Looking for a free resource to help your young reader? Check out, a place where beginning readers can strengthen their reading skills with a no-stress, ad-free, go-at-your-own-pace set of presentations. Think of it like a robust interactive workbook designed just for kids!

A piece of perspective from a fellow parent: Emily P. Freeman, whose twins are graduating from high school this year, shares in this podcast episode what she wishes someone would have shared with her a year ago. Her thoughts about how we help seniors make decisions could prove useful for any parent, whether you currently have a senior or not.


To ENRICH you in your walk with Christ...

A bit of spiritual guidance: If you've asked the question, "How can I pray for Ukraine?" you might find a few answers in this podcast episode with that very title. N. T. Wright is an Anglican bishop and a New Testament scholar who writes and speaks about theology, the Christian life and the relationship between the two. While there are certainly no easy answers to the conflict in Ukraine, perhaps these thoughts can give us some new insights as we pray.

A bit of blessing: In the book of Numbers, Aaron and his sons were instructed to bless the Israelite people with the well-known words: "The Lord bless you and keep you..." Throughout Scripture there are many blessings; it is powerful to consider how God blesses us through the words we speak to one another. If you could use a blessing today, check out "a blessing for being a human" written by Kate Bowler. And if you find that one encouraging, you can sign up for free to receive "summer blessings" from Kate each week to help your soul rest.

Note: we are also collecting blessings for the final Prayer Matters blog for this school year. If you would be willing to share a written or spoken blessing, click here!


To help you ENGAGE with your kids...

A bit of a conversation guide: As we try to process the horrific recent events in Texas, we may wonder if there are helpful ways we can talk with our children about violence. Axis has put together this helpful guide to help you discuss questions with your students like... How do we react to violence? What does the Bible say about dealing with violence? How can we be hopeful despite the violence we see around us? If you want to talk through these tough topics, this guide might help you find a way.

A bit of summer fun: And now for something completely different - let's end on a light note! If you are looking for some easy fun this summer, check out these "Official Summer of Fun T-shirts". It's a simple way to help your kids do something creative and end up with a fun memento they can wear all summer long. If you decide to try this, email us a pic of the results - we'd love to see what your kids create!


We hope these bits and pieces are a blessing to you as you continue to follow Jesus in your everyday life. Thanks for allowing us to share!

For more encouragement and some suggested ways to pray with us, be sure to subscribe to our Prayer Matters blog, updated weekly throughout the school year.

Not yet officially a part of the Alliance community? You can schedule a time to meet with a member of the Berks Christian or West-Mont Christian administrative team for a free educational consultation (virtual meetings are available).

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**We'd love to hear from you! Ask us a question or send us your feedback - our goal is to make these newsletters as helpful to you as possible.



Children Arriving at School

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