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February 2023

In case you're new to the Mosaic, welcome! Our hope is that this roundup of resources can help you to feel better equipped, more encouraged, and freshly inspired with ideas you can use in your parenting journey. Feel free to take a look around, click on what looks interesting, and scroll past what doesn't. We're cheering for you!

To EQUIP you as parents…

A bit of advice from a parent psychologist: Ever just feel like you could use some help navigating the psychology of parenting? Dr. Lisa's aptly named recent podcast episode, "How Can Parents Find Joy and Energy in the New Year?" offers some helpful ways of thinking and practical tips that just might leave you feeling more ready to face your current parenting challenges.

A bit of help for your finances: Whether you feel 100% confident about your finances, totally overwhelmed and defeated by them, or somewhere in the middle, YNAB (which stands for "You Need A Budget") is a system of budgeting that works. This resource is used by several ACSD staff and they can attest to its effectiveness. Curious? While this resource is NOT free, they DO offer a free 34-day trial with no commitment required. If you've been looking for a better way to manage your money, this could be it.


To ENRICH you in your walk with Christ...

A bit of Bible-reading companionship: Annie F. Downs has been reading all four gospels each month on her own for quite a while; now she's inviting you to do it with her. She often says, "You don't have to read or hear the Gospels every day to be changed but every day you read or hear the Gospels will change you." This year, she will spend the whole year reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John aloud, and anyone is welcome to listen along for free on the Let's Read the Gospels podcast. It's just a few chapters a day - she reads, them says a short prayer, and that's it. Try it for a month, and see if you find it as life-changing as she has!

A bit of hope and encouragement from fellow parents:

In a lot of ways, Anne and Nate Morrow are parents just like you. They've got 4 kids, and they are in the trenches with all the other parents out there. They admit that they don't have it all figured out but they want you to hear them say, "you're not alone". If you want some fresh hope for your parenting journey, check out this interview they did with Sissy and David from Daystar Counseling Ministries on the Raising Boys and Girls podcast. You just might also learn what a taco ring is!


To help you ENGAGE with your kids...

Some pieces of Bible-inspired media: If you've ever gotten a chance to see a show at Sight and Sound Theatres, it's hard to quite put into words what the experience is like. Imagine the biggest stage you've ever seen, and seeing stories from the Bible literally come to life before your eyes. While there's nothing quite like seeing one of their shows in person, did you know that many of their productions are also available to view in your own home? Sight & Sound TV offers both annual subcriptions and ways to purchase shows individually. It's definitely one kind of TV you can feel good about watching together as a family!

A bit of a FREE outdoor adventure: If you have a fourth grader (or will soon have a fourth grader or have a friend who has a fourth grader), check out this awesome way to explore "America's natural wonders and historic sites for free"!


We hope these bits and pieces are a blessing to you as you continue to follow Jesus in your everyday life. Thanks for allowing us to share!

For more encouragement and some suggested ways to pray with us, be sure to subscribe to our Prayer Matters blog, updated weekly throughout the school year.

Not yet officially a part of the Alliance community? You can schedule a time to meet with a member of the Berks Christian or West-Mont Christian administrative team for a free educational consultation (virtual meetings are available).

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**We'd love to hear from you! Ask us a question or send us your feedback - our goal is to make these newsletters as helpful to you as possible.



Children Arriving at School

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